Monday, August 06, 2007

R U kidding? BP Gas is doing what?

So I spent last Thursday and Saturday on lake Michigan and wow it was a great time to say the least. Friday was spent with my boys (5 of us) sailing for about 30 miles and 6 hours without a cloud in the sky. We did the guy talk thing since none of us had really seen each other for some time, that was great. Then I spent a couple hours in reflection just sitting off the starboard side with my feet getting splashed by the waves and watching the sun set over the Chicago skyline it was so relaxing and magnificent, I'll post some pictures when I get them. Friday was the Cubs game, never been to Wrigley and man it was cool. I am into sports and music so when Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam sang the tradition 7th inning stretch "Take Me Out The Ball Game" I got the chills, even in the 90 degree heat! The rest of the night is a blur..On To Saturday, the Scene party on Lake Michigan. Hundreds of boats all tied up with girls and guys all kicking back and having a great day regardless of the clouds just spending time laughing and getting to know one another. I could go on and on but I wont. What I am getting at is BP aka British Petroleum gas just got busted doing something they definitely shouldn't have been doing, dumping waste into lake Michigan! I don't really know what to say, I feel like an asshole because I have been buying BP gas since I started to drive and now they take something so beautiful and try to trash it like it's no big deal. Well I think they were mistaken, I do have a BP credit card that will soon be canceled and I will do my best to no longer get anything from my neighborhood BP, I think you should do the same. Fuck Them, raise the price then dump the waste in my back yard! A place that for the first time in about a year or two I really had a chance to relax for more than an hour!

Read this!

And then read this! Eddie Vedder at Lollopalooza which by the way was a sick concert, I'll get into that later.

Peace and chicken grease!!!

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